You are the program.
You are my only agenda.


I’m Crawford Cragun.

As an executive coach, I provide my clients the place, the space, and the tools to dig deep into the opportunities and challenges where the personal and professional collide. From clarifying your life vision to overcoming self-limiting beliefs, assumptions, and fears, I meet you where you are at—right now—to help you create the life and business you want.


We start where you are at. It is the only place to begin.


Having worked more than 30 years as a CEO and in other C-level positions, I know what I am talking about. My primary work is coaching and mentoring leaders and high achievers that are doing new and difficult things, living into and up to their potential and possibilities.

Often these are founders and CEOs who want to transform their businesses and their personal lives—creating meaning and joy in both. We dig deep and level up their leadership, culture, strategy, execution, and performance. 

I regularly work with their senior leadership teams and facilitate off-sites to get clear on culture and values, determine priorities and key initiatives, and improve team health.

Create the life you want.



The most important work my clients do is deeply personal. 

Like my clients, I’ve faced deep disappointments and  experienced profound loss, sorrow, and despair. I have judged myself as a failure and felt shame more than once. Every experience I have had, I bring to my coaching work along with my deep business experience.

I share my foundational mindset that we all travel a hero’s journey to get from where we are to where we want to be, overcoming dragons and obstacles in our path. 

When I partner with you, this is the work we will do. We will look at what is real—and handle it—one step at a time.

  • We will talk about choices you’ve made and the choices ahead of you, no matter what life has dealt you.

  • We will look candidly at how you show up for yourself, in your relationships and in your business, and then we will do the work required so you show up with peace, presence, and purpose.

  • We will work together to see and challenge the beasts blocking your path and limiting your vision—the fear, self-judgment, and other limiting assumptions that are often of their own making. We will replace these with belief, courage, a plan, and action.

  • We will get raw and real as we do the deliberate work required so you can move forward with ownership, empathy, and creativity.


Interested in taking your life and work to the next level?


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